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The arsenic speciation cartridge offers a simple and inexpensive method for separation of arsenate and arsenite species in water samples in the field and laboratories. It can also be used for arsenic speciation in extraction solutions from plants and solid.

Arsenic Speciation Cartridge


Arsenic Speciation Cartridge


Cat #As1

The disposable cartridge is used for separating arsenate and arsenite species in water samples. Each cartridge is packed with 2.5 g of highly selective adsorbent. For sample preparation, pass 30 to 50 mL of the water sample through a disposable cartridge using a syringe. Arsenate in the sample is removed by the cartridge, while arsenite species remain in the filtered water. The arsenic species can be separated in the pH range 4 to 9.


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Speciation of Arsenic in Plants

Arsenic species in freeze-dried and ground plant samples are ultrasonically extracted with 1:1 methanol/water solution (Zhang et al. 2002, "Arsenic speciation and distribution in an arsenic hyperaccumulating plant" Sci. Total Environment. 300:167-177).

The extraction solution is diluted by five times with water, and then passed through the arsenic speciation cartridges for separation of arsenite and arsenate species (Tu et al., 2004, "Arsenic Absorption, Speciation and Thiol Formation in Excised Parts of Pteris vittata in the Presence of Phosphoru" Environ. Exp. Bot. 51: 121-131).


Arsenic Speciation in TCLP Solution

TCLP (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) is an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standard protocol for determination of the leach ability of contaminants in soil and solid wastes. Arsenate and arsenite species in the TCLP leachant are separated by diluting the leachant by 10 times with distilled water and then passing the diluted solution through the arsenic speciation cartridges (Meng et al., 2001, "Redox Transformations of Arsenic and Iron in Water Treatment Sludge during Aging and TCLP Extraction" Environmental Science Technology, 35, 3476-3481.).


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