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MetalSoft Center provides arsenic speciation cartridges and other products for processing water samples. 


Speciation and Treatment of Arsenic and Heavy Metals in Water and Solids


Our Company

MetalSoft Center provides arsenic speciation cartridges and other products for processing water samples. Researchers and analytical laboratories in 27 counties have used our novel techniques for speciation of arsenite and arsenate in water, plants and solids (user publications). 

Arsenic Speciation

The predominant arsenic species in groundwater are arsenate and arsenite. Since arsenite is more toxic and more difficult to remove from water, it is important to determine the chemical species of arsenic in water. When water samples are collected, air will be introduced into the samples, which results in oxidation of arsenite to arsenate during the period of sample transportation and storage. The speciation cartridge offers a simple and inexpensive method for separation of arsenate and arsenite species in water samples in the field and laboratories. 

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